Urinary Dysfunction in Men (LUTS)

Urinary symptoms in men are often oversimplified as a prostate [enlargement] problem. But urinary symptoms can be caused by many other conditions, which are explored during the methodical evaluations performed by Dr. Potts.

Urine volumes and frequency are helpful in differentiating bladder problems from prostate problems. Further evaluation also helps to distinguish problems of storage vs problems of evacuation. Paradoxical symptoms such as inability to hold urine while not being able to evacuate completely may be caused by disorders ranging from prostate enlargement to neurological diseases.

In younger men, it may not be prostate enlargement causing increase bladder outlet resistance (blockage), rather a narrowed bladder neck or an overactive urinary sphincter.

Scar tissue anywhere along the tube carrying urine from the bladder to the outside of the body (urethra) can also cause symptoms of blockage and a feeling of irritation. This is easily excluded by history and minimally invasive visualization.

Similar to women with urinary frequency and urgency, men may also suffer from an overactive bladder (OAB) condition. OAB in men is now proven to be a more common condition than previously suspected. This can be seen with greater frequency in diabetic patients with secondary neurological changes, for example.

Interventions for Lower Urinary Tract symptoms in men range from lifestyle modification, pharmacological agents, botox injections and in rarer conditions, neuromodulation.

Urinary symptoms, which are worse over night and disrupt sleep can represent any number of non-urological conditions and must be evaluated and treated as such. These symptoms are usually indicative of Nocturnal Polyuria.

Sometimes patients have more than one condition affecting their urinary tract. We define these separate diagnoses and create management strategies to best address all conditions simultaneously while minimizing potential side effects.

Besides thorough history and physical examination, noninvasive tests such as flow meter and ultrasound may be employed during patient’s assessment to confirm the diagnosis.