June News

June 14, 2018

vista urology at the AUA 2018

The American Urological Association (AUA) held it's Annual Meeting on May 18-21 in San Francisco, CA. The AUA Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of urologists in the world, providing access to groundbreaking research, new guidelines, and the latest advances in urologic medicine.

highlights of their participation at the AUA:

Dr. Payne received an award from the Journal of Urology for best reviewer of female urology. The award was presented by Jay Smith, M.D., editor and chief.

Dr Payne was invited as a panelist to discuss Interstitial Cystitis and Bladder Pain Syndrome.

Dr. Potts directed male pelvic pain course at the aua 2018

For the sixth time, Dr Potts has been invited by the AUA to direct the course focusing on male pelvic pain. The course, "Real Men Get Real Pelvic Pain", focused on how pelvic pain in men continues to be misdiagnosed as prostatitis. Antibiotics as well as other prostato-centric approaches have been shown to be of little benefit. The condition is further exacerbated by its association with female pelvic pain issues, compounding the frequently associated feelings of emasculation. The course introduced several individuals who were thinking outside the box (or prostate) over 20 years ago. They are pioneers in their non-prostato-centric approach to men suffering from this condition. These experts employ the principles of mayofascial trigger point mapping, paradoxical relaxation and an empowering self care treatment strategy.  The objectives of the course were: (1) Recognize the differential diagnosis of pelvic pain in men, outside prostatitis and other prostate-centric disorders, (2) Enhance diagnostic skills to ascertain other causes of pelvic pain in men, which are likely to be non-urological, and (3) Employ confidence and eefficiency in addressing the symptoms and underlying causes of pelvic pain in men.