Greetings From Vista Urology!

July 13, 2020

We hope you and your families are safe and adjusting to the new normal. These are both frustrating and frightening times in which we are called upon to use our best judgments with the information currently available. 

Our new normal involves much more telemedicine with our established patients. We space appointments during our in person clinics so that there is never more than one person in the reception area. Office and clinic spaces are cleansed between each patient visit. We have been alternating weeks between our physical clinic and our farm. We launder our clinic linens at the farm. It is actually very satisfying to wash with hot water and bleach, and to hang sheets, pillow cases, towels, and gowns in the sunshine. We love the scent of all our laundry hung outdoors, but with current mask requirements, our patients don't get to fully enjoy the fresh fragrance as we drape them during their examinations.

While the stress brought on by the pandemic has exacerbated symptoms in some of our patients, others are appreciating a lower impact of certain work demands as they shelter in place. We have noticed that part of our telemedicine work has evolved to giving our patients permission to feel better without feeling guilty. Elimination of long commutes and more relaxed home environments has helped some patients better attend to self care, exercise, and sleep. Meanwhile, others must be cautious about the sometimes longer hours spent sitting on Zoom conferences and not being outdoors in the sunshine.


In these times, technology has become even more appreciated. Besides telemedicine, Dr. Potts has maintained a busy lecture schedule.

She participated in a lecture and interactive discussion for the World Venezuelan Urologists conference, which closed with a nostalgic Venezuelan love song which she sang, accompanied by guitarist Rick Keane.

Dr. Potts was invited to share her perspectives on Nocturia for the annual meeting to the WOC (Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nursing Society). She was honored to present "Nocturia: not just a urological symptom".


She has also been frequently lecturing remotely on this topic as well as Male Pelvic Pain for Alta Bates Medical Center in Berkeley.

Here are some brief highlights, or what you should know if you are a patient or a healthcare professional:

  1. Nocturia simply means awakening from night time sleep because of the need to urinate.
  2. It is often confused as a symptom of Overactive Bladder or Benign Prostatic Enlargement; however, nearly 90% of cases are due to a medical condition causing an increase in urine production.
  3. Nocturia can be a sign of more serious medical conditions.
  4. A common condition associated with Nocturia is Sleep Apnea - unfortunately, about 80% of these folks are undiagnosed.
  5. Nocturia is associated with a higher mortality rate.
  6. Nocturia impacts quantity and quality of sleep, which in turn adversely affects mood, cognition, hormonal activity, blood pressure, and more, further contributing to the vicious cycle of medical conditions, abnormal urine production, and worsening disruption of sleep.

For more details, you can go to an older lecture here »


This winter we entered our olive oil in two competitions. All three samples were winners. We received two gold medals for our Pendolino, two silvers for Coratina, and two silvers for our Field Blend (Frantoia, Coratina, and Pendolino). 

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